Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The flying dutchman visits the Kimberley

We put together an itinerary for Mark and Marijke from Holland - we picked them up in Katherine NT, and dropped them off in Broome. They visited the Bungle Bungle, El Questro, Faraway Bay, Mornington, Cape Leveque and all spots between over a period of 9 days. Nick was their pilot, he had a holiday as well!! This is what they had to say.

Dear Ailsa, Sonja and Judy (and of course Nick, but we already told him "live"),

We had a wonderful week in the Kimberleys. Not only due to the way of travel which makes it possible to visit so many beautiful sites in a relative short period. Not only because every site is again totally different from anything we saw before. Not only because of the warm reception at all of the resorts.
We felt pampered the whole time, as everything was arranged perfectly. We didn't even had to worry about unforeseen changes to the plan, as Nick and Ailsa took care of it. Thanks for the flexibility.

As to Nick, we feel we have met a new friend. The only ambiguous feeling we got regarding the entire week was whether we did not put to much pressure on Nick as he had to work maybe a bit to hard now and then. Especially when he was able to sleep in a bouncing boat out on the big waves of the ocean for more than an hour that was a bit of a worry for us.

She'll be apples!

Mark and Marijke